miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011

  • Where is the Artic Tundra?In Canada and Unites States Of America.

  • What happens when caribou sense the winter appreoaching?They migrate to a safe area.

  • Describe life of the caribou on the Tundra SummerThey go in large herds and they stay togetuer.

  • Why do the caribou go back to the nontherm Artic?There is it fewer animals and its a safe area.

  • Why do you think caribou stay together in such large herds?To protect their young and together they care.

  • What are some explaneision for how animals find their way?They look the stars and they look the sun.
  • Do you know of any migration animals?Have you ever seen  one?Yes, the bird migration and yes I have  been seen another one.
  • Do you think people have compasses?why or why not?Yes because now people have more things.

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